Sunday, March 11, 2012

Classroom Vocabulary

Here are some frequent classroom words and phrases, in case you all ever need to reference them. Some of these may be intuitive, whereas others are set phrases you might need to memorize. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about other classroom words!

Do the exercises in your notebook.
Turn to/open the book to page 35.

Who wants to come up to the board/front of the class?
Take one and pass it on.
Let’s skip that question. Who wants to go next?
Can I go first/next? Sure, go ahead.
I'm going to collect the essays today, and I'll hand them back next week.
Who's out (absent) today? Who's missing?
Sit up straight, please!
Turn around and face forward/front, please!

Questions (not doubts) - Does anyone have any questions or comments?
Next class (not next day) - Next class, we'll work on chapter 4.
Due (date) - The paper is due on Thursday. The due date for this assignment is the 14th.
Remember to look over your work before you turn it in. It's very important to proofread for careless mistakes.
To go over a topic (ver un tema) - Have we gone over Unit 2 already? Ok, then let's move on to Unit 3.
To go over the homework (corregir) - We went over most of the exercises yesterday, so we'll finish going over them today.
To do a presentation on a topic, or to give a presentation on/about a topic.

To be on the exam/test (not enter) - Is this going to be on the exam? Yes, chapter 3 will be on the exam.
To give an exam. I'm going to give the students an exam on the new material tomorrow.
I hope I do well on the exam! If you do badly, that means you need to work harder.
How did you do on the exam? I did pretty well. I got a 7.


  1. God, that's really useful! A question: "the deadline is the 13th" is suitable in this context?

  2. Yeah--"The deadline (to do something) is the 13th" is totally correct. At least in American English, though, "due date" is the most natural to use in a school context for "the day to turn assignments in by". I associate "deadlines" with journalism, for example, or applications. What I would say 9 times out of 10 is "It's due the 13th" (basically "es para el día 13").

  3. Thank you for the information. It's very useful for us to learn this kind of exppressions.

  4. Thanks!! I've just read your answer... I have to visit more frequently this blog. It's fantastic.
